Support's Blog



Photocomp#21: Intimate Hair Styles (Female)


Oh, pubes! Some people love them, some people hate them — BUT, We all have our pubic hair preferences.

Let’s be honest: You have a pube hairstyle that SPEAKS to you (and others). Whether you’re pro-pube or wouldn’t step outside your house without feeling the wind on your clitoris, there’s a reason you’re ROCKING that pussy coif.

So what does your choice of pubic grooming say about you? What’s your vagina proudly proclaiming?

This contest is less about the best intimate hair style - of course there will be a winner at the end - but a CELEBRATION of all individual styles.

So LADIES, be brave - be proud - upload a picture of your individual intimate hairstyle until Friday, 21st of August

and tag it with: #intimatehairstyles and #photocomp#21

( and GUYS, please vote and be patient - your intimate hairstyle will be the topic of our next photomcomp... )

As always, we prefer if you use your own images. Play fair and enter a photo of yourself. If you insist on uploading internet found images please credit the source (don't claim it as your own, we aren't that stupid) otherwise your photo will be excluded from the competition.

Entries must be still photography (no gifs or videos) and uploaded within the competition period.

For your online s/e/curity we recommend watermarking your images if you own them. There is a simple and free way to do this on:

Photos must remain within the terms and conditions of our site and photos shown to be in breach will be removed and the profile may be disabled or removed from our site.

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