Support's Blog



SCAM ALERT- Phone numbers

Please be alert for scammers collecting phone numbers.

It is likely they will include this request in their profile (eg: Message me your phone number i will text you).

We strongly encourage members to not give out their phone number to strangers, doing so you are jeopardizing your personal security.

Any questions please contact us via inbox here.

  • TomGetsNaked: Wait -- you're annoyed at the lack of real contacts so you dismiss the danger of the FAKE ones?!?! Your logic astounds me! But fine, give out your number if you think it's safe; don't say you weren't warned! Your premises are also false. Plenty are genuinely contacting each other -- albeit cautiously, to stay safe. Perhaps you're impatient and pushy? Perhaps you need to search better, and be more alert to the fake profiles? You were probably encouraged to sign up by bots (run by the site presumably -- a bit of a hypocrisy) that sent you messages that you couldn't read or reply to, without paying money. You can certainly delete every single one of THEM of course. But no, this is a real threat, and some people do need warning of obvious things, like not to give out a number. Some know the risks but are too horny to make a good decision, and "It is likely they will include this request..." will help dissuade even horny desperate people from resorting to the risk. The warning is very good.
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